The Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary
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The Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary
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The Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary, for a world in
desperate need of Hope...
Please scroll down to find out more information
about these beautiful new
Mysteries of the Rosary
that were recently approved by
Roman Catholic Bishop, William Wack,
of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
The introduction of the Hopeful Mysteries
is providentially occurring at the same time
the Church is celebrating the
Jubilee Year 2025
with the papal themed motto:
"Pilgrims of Hope".
How Did the Hopeful Mysteries Come About?
The idea of the five (5) Hopeful Mysteries was conceived by a local parishioner in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee. He proposed the idea to the Diocese where it was received with prayerful discernment and the reflections were honed and checked for theological accuracy. After much thought and review, Bishop William Wack granted his Impimatur & declaration of Nihil Obstat (that there are no obstacles to the Faith in the document). It was Bishop Wack's intention to clarify that the Diocese is not promulgating a new set of universal mysteries but proposing the worthiness of a devotion that has emerged in the local Church of Pensacola-Tallahassee. Approval by the local Bishop, along with the Imprimatur, means that the Hopeful Mysteries are worthy of pious devotion anywhere. The mysteries are just not given a "universal promotion" at this point, as happened when Pope St John Paul the Great promulgated the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary in the year 2002. If indeed it is God's will that interest in the Hopeful Mysteries grows organically over time and is adopted by the faithful, then Divine Providence will have once again kindly given to the flock some great consolation that they were deeply in need of. In a post-Covid world, many people are struggling with hopelessness. It could be that the Hopeful Mysteries restores a sense of hope in the hearts of God's people and leads to a flourishing of this most joyful theological virtue.
Misson & Use of Proceeds...
The Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee has a deep & rich Catholic heritage with its roots in the Spanish missions which spanned accross our section of Northwest Florida. A martyrdom occurred around the Tallahassee area in the early 1700s when Spanish missionaries & indigenous were killed by vengeful British troops. These martyrs were killed for their refusal to renounce their Catholic faith. To learn more about their ongoing cause for sainthood, please visit our diocesan website by clicking HERE
Upon this former mission site where the martyrdoms occurred, the local faithful are in the process of establishing a shrine called: Mary, Queen of the Martyrs Shrine. Part of the acreage at the shrine has been set aside to develop a Catholic cemetery, which we currently do not have in Tallahassee. A portion of the proceeds that come from orders of the Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary pamphlets will go to help found this much needed place of final rest for Catholics in this area. If you would like to learn more about the proposed shrine click HERE
Copies of the Hopeful Mysteries Pamphlet, can be ordered below:
For Parishes, Dioceses, Catholic Schools & Seminaries, Religious Orders, Catholic Bookstores or other large quantity purchasers,
please email us at info@HopefulMysteries.com for bulk pricing on quantities over 1000 copies.
***ENGLISH***Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary Pamphlet
$0.99 - $749.95
8.5x14 inches overall
Tri-folded down to 8.5x4 2/3 inches
Gorgeous full color ~ double sided
100# Gloss brochure weight stock
Prayerfully printed in the USA
Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat
August 22, 2024 on the Feast of the Coronation of Mary
By Bishop William Wack
Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
For Parishes, Dioceses, Catholic Schools, Seminaries,
Religious Orders, Catholic Bookstores or other
large quantity purchasers, please
email us at info@HopefulMysteries.com
for bulk pricing on quantities over 1000 copies.
***FIRST SELECT THE PACKAGE SIZE FROM THE DROP DOWN MENU THEN CHOOSE THE QUANTITY YOU PREFER***SelectQuantityComing soon***ESPAÑOL***Folleto Misterios Esperanzadores del Rosario
$0.99 - $749.95
8,5x14 pulgadas en total
Plegado triple hasta 8,5 x 4 2/3 pulgadas
Precioso a todo color ~ doble cara
Papel de peso para folletos brillante de 100#
Impreso con oración en los Estados Unidos
Imprimatur y Nihil Obstat
22 de agosto de 2024 en la Fiesta de la Coronación de María
Por el obispo William Wack
Diócesis de Pensacola-Tallahassee
Para parroquias, diócesis, escuelas católicas y seminarios
Órdenes Religiosas, Librerías Católicas u otras
compradores de grandes cantidades, por favor
envíenos un correo electrónico a info@HopefulMysteries.com
para precios al por mayor en cantidades superiores a 1000 copias
NOVEMBER 28, 2024
New Video from the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee, explaining the roots & depth of the new Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary
DECEMBER 9, 2024 ~ Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Letter from Bishop William Wack regarding the New Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary https://files.ecatholic.com/14111/documents/2024/12/Hopeful%20Mysteries%20Promulgation%20Letter%20Bishop%20Wack.pdf?t=1733779128000
For Media Inquiries, Please Email Us at info@HopefulMysteries.com
The Hopeful Mysteries of the Rosary
pamphlets are distributed by
Catholic Prayer Cards, LLC
7118 Beech Ridge Trail
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Website © 2024 Catholic Prayer Cards, LLC